

Shirley Seger, a Seer & Discerner shares a powerful vision on the most important choice of...

Everyday Angels

Angels are assigned to you. Angels are encamped all around you. Angels minister to you. The...

The Invisible World Around You

There is an unseen world working silently to control you and the atmosphere around you. But...

The Seer's Path

Any and every believer has all the Kingdom available to them at all times. There is no aspect of...

Supernatural Life TV - Your Yes Can Change the World

On this episode of Supernatural Life, Jesus Image's Michael Koulianos joins Patricia King...

Chips and solar Bibles in the persecuted Church

Heidi shares about solar Bibles and the effectiveness of the Bible on micro SD cards in the...

Iris After Hours - Episode 38 - Andy Byrd

Andy Byrd joins us on location at the Live to Love conference in Torrance to share about YWAM,...

Iris After Hours - Episode 27 - Heidi Baker

This week Heidi Baker joins Nathan Kotzur and Crystalyn Human and shares her heart and what God...

Supernatural Life TV - Women Rise Up

God is empowering women to rise up and advance the Kingdom in notable, remarkable and powerful...

The Breaker Anointing

Does it sometimes feel like you are hitting one delay in the spirit after another? Like there...

Signs of the Times

So much is happening in the world, in the news, and in the spirit right now. Do you ever find...

Dave Cranfill

Angela is on a zoom session with Dave Cranfill of Kingdom Flame on 5/07/2020.