I believe you would agree with me that: 1) Our nation desperately needs revival, 2) Learning to hear God’s voice promotes personal revival more than anything else one can do, and 3) We each need to do something to help bring revival to our nation.

So let’s team up and introduce another 10,000 people to personal revival by you forwarding this blog out through all your social links and to those on your email list, along with your personal testimony of the transforming effect of hearing God’s voice in your own life. I suggest you share a sample of your two-way journaling so your friends can come face-to-face with the amazing reality that you and each of us can hear the voice of the Wonderful Counselor and be healed and set free of our fears and worries.

Click here and register to watch this complete 10-day video series on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. 

The free worldwide event is August 12 - 25. Each daily session will be available to watch for a 24-hour period.

People will respond, because right now everyone is hurting, wounded, and afraid. They are desperate for a lifeline. You can show them the lifeline you have received and promise them that if they watch this free training series on four keys to hearing God’s voice, they too will be able to daily hear God’s voice, just as you do. They will begin two-way, life-giving journaling similar to the sample you are including in your email to them.

Your TESTIMONY of your experience in hearing God’s voice IS POWERFUL (Rev. 12:11)! It was because of a friend’s testimony of a healing miracle that I decided to explore the Charismatic movement 40 years ago. As a result, I embraced the Holy Spirit! Look at the multiplied fruit of one lady sharing her healing testimony: our online videos have over a million hits, and our university spans 129 nations. So share your story! Do your part in restoring our nation by bringing revival into people’s lives.

I had the privilege of doing a weekend seminar in South Dakota recently and 65 people all began to hear God’s voice. When they came to the front to read their journaling, there were often tears in their eyes. They were blessed eternally and will never be the same. Provide this gift of the voice of the Wonderful Counselor to your friends.

I looked at the destruction of our nation all around and asked the Lord, “What do You want me to do to avert this calamity?” He said, “You are a teacher and I want you to research and share the truth.” So I am doing that. I have begun a weekly blog on news articles which caught my attention during the week. There is so much misinformation. I believe the main news media is completely off base and corrupt. I share with you what I have found and what I believe to be true information. I share encouragement and helpful articles so you can make wise decisions and live and not die. Sign up for my blogs here. I recommend the following sites for authentic news (though we all must ask for the Spirit to give us discernment no matter what we are reading): FlashpointMercolaGateway PunditAmerica's Frontline Doctors,

We will win! Revival has already begun! Flashpoint keeps you informed about that. The greatest period of history lies directly before us, so get excited! Join me in praying daily for wickedness to be pulled down and the righteous to be exalted. Watch and see the glory of the Lord and the greatest revival ever to sweep the earth. Journal and ask God what you are to be doing to promote revival and DO IT!

Click here and register to watch this complete 10-day video series on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice for free.